Saturday, August 25, 2012

Days 59 & 60: Back to boring!

A couple of good days in a row! Lily is still doing well on the CPAP at about 26/27% oxygen, and doctors were able to turn down the CPAP pressure to '4' today - so the past few days have been pretty boring - and as always, boring is good!

My mom was able to hold Lily today... a first, which was great! Lily did really well during the hour, blood oxygen in the high 90s for the most part. She really liked being held by her grandma :) I'll post up some pictures as soon as Sara gets back from her visit - camera's in the car...


  1. And Lily's grandma left euphoric, floating about three feet off the ground!

  2. Never thought I'd jump for joy at seeing the word "boring"!! Glad to hear things are peaceful and stable. Keep up the good work Lily!!
