A better day on the oxygen, with the ventilator to set anywhere from 45%-70% oxygen. Not as many severe desat episodes or brady's as yesterday. But the new issue - it seems there is always another new problem - is the buildup of fluid in Lily's lungs, which is related to general water retention in her body - she's starting to look a little puffy. Her lungs sound very 'crackly' by stethoscope. Since she's retaining fluids she's gaining weight at a much faster rate than doctors want to see. She's put on almost 200 grams in the past four days. Six and a half ounces... way too much for four days. Doctors are going to administer a second round of lasix, the diuretic, in hopes of clearing up her lungs. The lasix hasn't done much in the past, so Sara and I are biting our nails on this one.
Another concern is that is that Lily is already on the highest possible sodium supplement since her sodium levels are so low. The diuretic washes out any existing sodium. So the diuretic is basically treating the greater of two evils, the water retention in her lungs and body - but it makes another matter, the low sodium levels, worse. Always something new to worry about. Sara and I can't wait to look back on all of this as a memory one day.
In good news, we learned that the atelectasis has cleared up! Her lung is no longer collapsed--- great news. We're hoping that means the ventilator has served its purpose, and docs can extubate her soon and put her back on SiPAP. The extra tracheal sectretions and fluid buildup could be linked to the intubation - since it's more invasive, perhaps.
Other good news - Lily's blood culture came back negative! So they're saying she simply got tired - got battle fatigue - then she got the atelectasis and ultimately failed the CPAP, and that there is no infection in her blood. There could be a separate infection in her trachea, though, so they sent tracheal secretions for a culture, the results of which we should receive in a few days.
Staying positive and praying a lot for a fast resolution to these lung issues... thank you all for the good energy and prayers sent Lily's way!
Glad to hear th lung is no longer collapsed. Praying very hard that all the other issues clear up too.