Thursday, October 4, 2012

Day 100: We are HOME!!!

We are home! After a 100 day stay in the NICU, Lily has won her battle. She was discharged today at 2pm, and have been doing wonderfully since we brought her home. Addie loves her sister very, very much :) Today is one of the happiest days of our lives!!!! It has been a long journey but here we are - thanks to Lily's amazing strength and determination as well as the support, prayers, and positive energy sent our way, we have made it. Thank you all for following this story. It is a story that had its ups and downs, but the past 100 days are ultimately proof that miracles exist all around us - they happen every day. One is in Sara's arms right now, and the other one is in a yellow shirt running around like a tornado with excitement that her sister is home!

The next few days we have follow-up appointments with the opthamologist, cardiologist, neurologist, neonatologist, and endocrinologist. So far, all nurses and doctors have said Lily is doing marvellously - the nurse who discharged us, who has worked in the NICU for 25 years, told us that Lily is one of the most healthy looking preemie babies she has ever seen! I will continue to update the blog with Lily's story through life. Every step will be a miracle. And we are so, so grateful - words can't express.

Thank you Dr. Uduak - Chief Fellow who played a very large role in saving Lily's life

We bumped into Dr. Alpin in the elevator, an attending physician
Thank you Dr. Alpin, for saving our daugther's life

Walking out of the hospital - a truly euphoric feeling!

Off we go!

I could not properly end this post without thanking everyone who works at the Maria Fareri NICU at Westchester Medical center - the dozens of NICU nurses who took care of Lily, the attending physicians, fellows, nutritionists, respiratory technicians - my daughter's life was literally saved by hundreds of to the most amazing people in the world - true miracle workers!


  1. WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO just checked in and seen this. the best ever news and best pictures. Oxygen free too go Lily! Enjoy being a family and well done to you all xxx

  2. Congratulations! We will continue to pray for Lily's health. Enjoy your time together!

  3. This is the best thing I've ever seen - a picture of you all together. WONDERFUL!! Congratulations!!
