We've been home for a little over four weeks, and things are going great! Lily is doing really well - she sleeps well, she eats well, and she is rolling over from her back to her front - something her pediatrician said is "unheard of" for her developmental age - she is responsive to her name, and she is smiling! Now 17 weeks old (3 weeks adjusted), Lily weighs 8 pounds, 4 ounces - almost 4 times her birthweight.
We missed the worst of Hurricane Sandy - we kept power and our new foundation walls withstood the test, not a drop of water in the basement. We are very fortunate the storm didn't make landfall north of where it did.
This entire summer/fall has been a huge reminder of how fortunate we indeed are... Every time I look at Lily, I am dumbfounded by the fact that she is the same little girl who fought for her life for 100 days. She is a real miracle!
I had hoped to get a bunch of pictures up, but didn't have time prior to a business trip - am at JFK now, off to Guatemala and Costa Rica to visit coffee/sugar farms and mills. When I get back I will load up a bunch of pics- both of the family, and of the trip! In the meantime, I sure am going to miss my girls!!